In the paper we describe a verification method for families of distributed systems generated by context-sensitive network grammar of a special kind. The method is based on model checking technique and abstraction. A representative model depends on a specification grammar for family of systems. This model simulates a behavior of the systems in such a way that properties which hold for the representative model are satisfied for all these systems. We show using this method for verification of some properties of multiagent system for resolution of context-dependent ambiguities in ontology population.
Today the common practice of industrial automation is characterized by the following: generally the testing of control algorithms starts only when you run the software on a new facility. As a result the testing of the algorithm is postponed until the start-and-adjustment works begin. The readiness of the algorithm up to this moment is unknown. In the article the concept of virtual plant (VP) was put forward to reduce the risks. To ensure that the control algorithm satisfies necessary requirements the model checking verification method is used., full_html
Developing temporal requirements to distributed program systems an engineer should determine and systemize event sequences caused by system processes interleaving. A number of such sequences grow exponentially that makes the requirement development procedure nontrivial.
This is why engineers prefer not to construct or construct elementary formal requirements. As result powerful formal verification methods become unavailable or some important properties of distributed systems leaved unexpressed. While it is well-known, that development of formal requirement even without verification improves an quality of a distributed system structure and functions.
In this paper we suggest a method for formal temporal systems development which is easy-to-use. The method is based on scalable patterns of linear temporal logic formulas.
Using this method we developed formal temporal requirements to a practical program control system (a vehicle power supply control system).
Verifying the requirements with the model checking method we found 3 critical errors that were missed by developers of the vehicle power supply control system during design and testing.
In this paper we consider a procedure of parallel composition construction of Timed Finite State Machines (TFSMs) using BALM-II and suggest different ways of getting linear functions that describe a set of output delays. Our research consists of three steps: at first step we consider composition of TFSMs when an output delay may be a natural number or zero; at second – we add transitions under timeouts; at third we consider composition of TFSMs in general case (when output delays are described as sets of linear functions). This paper is devoted only to the first step of the research.
The paper is dedicated to the specification of the structure and the behavior of software libraries. It describes the existing problems of libraries specifications. A brief overview of the research field concerned with formalizing the specification of libraries and library functions is presented. The requirements imposed on the formalism designed are established; the formalism based on these requirements allows specifying all the properties of the libraries needed for automating several classes of problems: detection of defects in the software, migration of applications into a new environment, generation of software documentation. The conclusion defines potential directions for further research.
A class of information systems considered in this paper is defined as follows: a system belongs to the class if its change can be caused by both its environment and factors inside the system, and there is an information transfer from it to its environment and from its environment to it. Two formalisms (information transition systems and conceptual transition systems) for abstract unified modelling of the artifacts (concept sketches and models) of the conceptual design of information systems of the class, early phase of information systems design process, are proposed. Information transition defines the abstract unified information model for the artifacts, based on such general concepts as state, information query, answer and transition. Conceptual transition systems are a formalism for conceptual modelling of information transition systems. They defines the abstract unified conceptual model for the artifacts. The basic definitions of the theory of conceptual transition systems are given. A language of conceptual transition systems is defined., full_html